Mendon Library Trustees 2019-07-01

      Tonight (2019-07-01) was a Mendon Public Library Board of Trustee meeting.

      While the this group meets every month, I don’t get to many of their meetings. Which makes it somewhat ironic that at the last meeting I was at they were trying to get a construction project started, and at this meeting they are confirming that it’s finished. While the actual construction is done, they had to finalize some paperwork before actually closing out the project. Considering the way bureaucracies work, this probably won’t be the last time they confirm it ‘finished’.

      The Summer Reading Program started up last week, and that seemed to be the largest item at this meeting. Showed up in the finances, in the director’s report, and in a number of the other items. As no one in my household is in the right age bracket, this program doesn’t directly impact me. But I’m in the library often enough, I can definitely see how it impacts everything there. Might actually be the busiest time of year for the library. Which is all for the good, reading is an important skill to develop, best to start at a young age.

      There was an amusing bit about a new law requiring signs, and how those were available for free (to the library). Just have to put them up outside. But due to the way the Town and Library are setup, that falls outside the Library’s jurisdiction. So that odd tension between the two groups was showing up again in how this was being worked out. I’m sure it will work out in the end, as these things tend to. It’s just a shame that tension exists, for whatever reason.

      And those are my Observations From Audience Land for the July 1, 2019 meeting of the Mendon Public Library Board of Trustees.

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