Mendon Town Board 2019-06-10

      Tonight (2019-06-10) was a meeting of the Mendon Town Board.

      The Town continues their trend of simple/straightforward meetings. Which is good, excitement is dangerous. Although it does leave me with little to talk about here.

      The Carriage street property (former GM plant) had it’s PILOT adjusted. By the sounds of it, this is strictly a name change, no other impacts (at least from the Town’s point of view). Reading between the lines, I think the new owners are trying to future proof themselves, to avoid the sort of abandonment that happened when GM moved out.

      The contingency fund for the library capitol project was moved out of contingency, as the project is now done. It sounded like this money went back to the library’s budget, but I might have misheard that detail. Either way, good to have the reserves set aside, even better to not need them.

      And those are my Observations From Audience Land for the June 10, 2019 meeting of the Mendon Town Board.

Link to agenda on Town website until they update it, losing the past.

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