Tonight (2019-06-03) was a meeting of the Honeoye Falls Zoning Board.
The meeting itself was quick and to the point: Muffy’s subdivision request was denied (again).
While I don’t agree with the decision, the process seemed to be well done. In particular, the motions were pre-written, which saved the time of word-smithing during the meeting. And as there are only two possibilities, it shouldn’t be that hard to plan for both. Of course, as I do exactly this in another setting, I am biased on the practice.
As for the denial itself, I think it is potentially dangerous for the Village. The logic used could also be used to deny any new project within the village. If a subdivision that could (potentially) lead to a single new house is a positive SEQR, and thus a denied application, then how can any actual construction not also be a positive SEQR?
And those are my Observations From Audience Land for the June 3, 2019 meeting of the Honeoye Falls Zoning Board.
Agenda was not available anywhere I could find. Perhaps it will be on the Village’s website in the future, perhaps not…