Honeoye Falls-Lima Board of Education 2019-06-11

      Tonight (2019-06-11) was a meeting of the Honeoye Falls-Lima Board of Education (BoE).

      The meeting was held in the High School Chorus room, which was unusual. Turns out the BoE room has been re-purposed as the High School and Counseling Office for the duration, as their old offices are scheduled for demolition. All part of the capitol project (progress pictures were shared later in the meeting).

      Looks like HF-L Chorus is back on Twitter, in addition to Facebook. Peer pressure at work or something else? You decide.

      A Report on how well the Urban-Suburban program has gone this year, and as to be expected, the report said good things. While I still think this program is a bad idea, I am not surprised that the staff has handled it well. Biggest challenge was transportation, which makes sense. Looks like next year they are planning to add three more students.

      The big discussion of the night was again the code of conduct. Mostly on the knitty gritty details, with much discussion on loitering. While I can’t say I agree with some of the logic used, I think there was a decent argument for why that was in there. If only as legal protect for dog bites during sporting events. Turns out dogs make a surprising amount of mess on campus, and some choose to blame the school and not the dog’s owner.

      I was glad to hear Gene (Superintendent) point out how the code of conduct applies to all connected to school events. On or off campus, students or adults. Often the focus here is on students, but this applies to adults just as well. Which actually brought up an interesting tangent on alcohol. The prohibition of alcohol on campus is worded such that it could arguably apply to the district as a whole, thus making the off campus bars illegal. As that is clearly not the intent, there was talk about sending that verbiage to the lawyers for review.

      The code of conduct will likely be approved at the next meeting. Feel free to review it if you want to offer any input before then

      The districts website (hflcsd.org) is being redesigned. There is a ‘test’ site up, if you know where to look for it, but it sounds like the public will see the changes on July 1st. Much of tonight’s discussion was on what the Board wanted on their portion of the site. It will be interesting to see how the new site turns out.

      And those are my Observations From Audience Land for the June 11, 2019 meeting of the Honeoye Falls-Lima Board of Education.

As has become the norm for this group, Agenda’s and similar information can be found at HFL’s BoardDocs page.

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