Mendon Town Board 2019-02-11

      Tonight (2019-02-11) was a meeting of the Mendon Town Board.

      I had the pleasant surprise of running into an old classmate. Wes was at the meeting, in a professional capacity for his job at LaBella Associates. He is helping the Town update their Comprehensive Plan. Disregarding that, it was a pretty standard meeting.

      Highlight of the Town Clerk‘s report was it being tax season, as the poster boards in the hallway give away.

      Was a bit of discussion about paying a ‘fair share’ of taxes. In regard to the old GM plant, and how PILOT will impact it. Always want to be careful about treating anyone in a special manner when it comes to taxes. But it can also be worrisome when politicians start talking about ‘fair share’.

      There has apparently been ‘sabotage’ in the bathrooms at the library. For whatever reason, it is believed those responsible are adults. Unfortunate when people do stupid things, double so when it’s those that should know better. But we are all foolish mortals.

      Also library related, the renovations may be starting soon. Or not, as this is not the first time I’ve heard this. Related, as the project is being funded by a grant, the cost had to go up to meet the requirements. In other words, we have to spend more money, so we can get it reimbursed. Another fine example of government logic in action.

      Tangentially library related, the old building at 15 Monroe street is also being renovated. ~$22k was approved tonight towards this project. From the listed expenses, sound like bathrooms, floors, and ceilings are getting an overhaul.

      A new zoning map was approved. Appears to be substantially the same as the existing map.

      Crown Castle had their bond released for work involving Eckler road. I know at one point the neighbors were upset with the project. Presumably, that it made it to this point means that issue was resolved. Or not, some times you can’t please everyone.

      And those are my Observations From Audience Land for the February 11, 2019 meeting of the Mendon Town Board.

Link to agenda on Town website until they update it, losing the past.

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