Honeoye Falls-Lima Board of Education (and PBAC) 2019-02-26

      Tonight (2019-02-26) was a meeting of the Honeoye Falls-Lima Board of Education (BoE), and before that the Program Budget Advisory Council (PBAC).

      The start of the meeting was delayed, for good cause. We had to go outside and welcome the Nordic team back. This was fitting, as one of the evenings presentations was from the athletics department.

      Back inside, it was time for the budget presentations. Full disclosure: I sit on the PBAC, so some of these Observations aren’t exactly from the Audience.

      First was the High School, led by David (High School Principal), although he had a crowd with him (as is the pattern). In that group was the school’s social worker (Amy Mulhern), which I thought was a nice touch. Last year they asked to move her from shared outside resource to direct HFL staff. So this year she helps with the presentation.

      Which brings up something both of tonight’s presentations had in common: mental health. Definite focus on mental health, although exactly what that means wasn’t really defined. From context I’m pretty sure it’s more of general ‘well being’ and less of ‘issues’ (ie depression, bulimia, etc). Although, despite claiming to fight stigma, that wasn’t explicitly stated.

      Psychology enrollment continues to rise, which may be related to the mental health focus. This year the program had 175 students in it, which rolled out to four years implies the vast majority of students are involved at some point. When I asked that question, it sounds like many students take more then one course, so they couldn’t immediately confirm my speculation. Still a good turn out.

      Their were five Psychology students that shared their experiences, which was nice. They clearly enjoyed the courses, and were a good addition to the photos of class activities. I found it interested, that while the photos showed boys and girls, there were only girls at the meeting. This may mean something, but I could only speculate as to what. I doubt it matters, but I did find it amusing.

      The social studies program had a couple interesting tidbits. The government class does a unit where they find a consensus on a controversial issue. On the topic of the US-Mexico border they decided, at the risk of poorly paraphrasing, the main crossing points should have security increased while diplomats talk to the source of the immigrants and the asylum process is improved.

      Related, the students will be doing a project where they trace their ancestors path across the world. Interesting idea, although the devil is ever in the details. Could be used to educate, or indoctrinate, depending on how it’s handled.

      I’ve never heard of ‘Restorative Yoga‘, but apparently it’s used in gym class to great success. Seems to tie into mental health and past years nutrition, in that they aren’t teaching knowledge alone, but creating a ‘whole child‘. The optimist in me says this is a good way of doing things. The pessimist says this is another step towards schools replacing parents.

      Second presentation was the Athletics department, led by Brian (Athletics Director). If anything, he had even more people with him then David did. Fittingly enough, his presentation started off by celebrating the coaches, and having a break for the Board to talk to them. This was different, but everyone seemed to enjoy chatting. I definitely enjoyed the chance to stretch my legs.

      With that done, it was on to a more conventional presentation. You can read it if you want, I found two point of note. Winter sports has noticeable lower participation then Fall or Spring. Brian was aware of this and is working to increase turn out in the future. And staff was asked why they don’t coach, with most reporting time as the biggest hurdle. Which seems true for almost anything, given enough time what skill/hobby/sport wouldn’t you get involved in?

      Case in point: I was the only PBAC member at tonight’s meeting. The others were all elsewhere (wherever that elsewhere was).

      Which brings us to the regular Board meeting. With no Gene (Superintendent), there was no Superintendent’s report. I didn’t ask, so I don’t know where he is. Although wherever that is, he had access to twitter (which doesn’t rule out many places…).

      The draft for next years calendar was looked over. As everyone seemed ok with it, this will likely also be the final calendar. Assuming that is so, worth noting Christmas break will be two weeks long. Was also some discussion on renaming Columbus day (after confirming such an act is legal). I look forward to hearing that conversation play out.

      Which brought us to the end of the meeting. At which point I counted heads and realized we were short a few. To continue keeping track of glaringly obvious ‘code of ethics‘ violations: Carol, Joe, ‘Old’ David, Caralyn, and Larry have all missed a meeting. Amy, ‘New’ Dave, Gary, and Stephanie have not. At least according to my notes.

      And those are my Observations From Audience Land for the February 26, 2019 meeting of the Honeoye Falls-Lima Board of Education.

As has become the norm for this group, Agenda’s and similar information can be found at HFL’s BoardDocs page.

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