Mendon Town Board 2019-01-07

      Tonight (2019-01-07) was a meeting of the Mendon Town Board.

      Another year, another organizational meeting. Although, there was something slightly different this year. Couldn’t put my finger on the direct change, but the meeting felt more ‘stuff is happening’ and less ‘boring motion after motion’. Good job here, even if I can’t pinpoint it.

      One of the early items, which felt like it didn’t really belong in an organization meeting, was a vote on a sewer deal with Pittsford. Primary points of the discussion seemed to be the balance between increasing Town revenue (through property taxes) vs changing the nature of the town (by adding sewers). In the end, the Board choose to turn down the agreement, which means no sewer connection. At least for the time being, a future Board could always do the opposite (in theory).

      Directly after the sewer vote, most of the audience left. I recognized one of the ‘Mendon Green’ developers from a previous meeting. Which was probably why this led the meeting: Get what the crowd is there for out of the way so they can go home. I approve of this approach, when feasible.

      Deputy Supervisor for the year was approved. Generally not worth noting, as John (Supervisor) can usually take care of everything, as it is his job. But both he and the other John (regular Deputy) will be away for a week in February. In fact, it sounds like all the Board members will be away that week. So Jim will be the ‘Acting Town Supervisor, Feb 16 – 24‘. For however that factors into your planning.

      A new law firm was approved for the Planning and Zoning Board Attorneys, Boylan Code. Not sure why this change happened, as Jeff (of Bond Schoeneck & King) seemed to do his job well. Although I’ll admit to having some bias on this matter, which is why it’s best others made this decision. I’m sure the new attorney will also do the job well enough, even as Jeff is missed.

      Also Planning/Zoning Board related, their regular meeting dates were changed to the 1st and 3rd weeks of the month, instead of the previous 2nd and 4th. The two groups still meet on Wednesdays and Thursdays (respectively), just earlier in the month then before. I have no opinion on this change, but I do wonder why the change was made. Might have to ask someone.

      And the reason the above two points were so significant for me: I was reappointed to Zoning Board Chair for 2019. Cheer or boo as you see fit.

      A pair of Library Trustees were appointed, which on it’s own wasn’t that interesting. So many people are appointed at reorg meetings, what’s another two. But in this case John (Supervisor) pointed out he had business interactions with family members of both at various times in the past (babysitter and tenant, if I heard correctly). He didn’t think it was an issue, as he was disclosing it, and Sheldon (Town Attorney) agreed. From what I heard, I’ll agree too, as it just goes to show we live in a small town. Stick around long enough, and be involved in the community, and you’ll have ‘business interactions’ with just about every family.

      After the organizational portion of the meeting they rolled into a regular meeting (even if it was the wrong week), which led to the normal communications topic, a few of which were of interest.

      The Town is exploring the idea of installing electric charging stations for cars. No decision or anything has been made, but the idea is being looked at.

      Some volunteers wanted to (or already did, was unclear) rake some leaves around the Mendon Public Library. As the Town owns the building, and is responsible for the grounds, John wanted approval for this to come before the Town Board. While I can understand this, from an administrative point of view, it strikes me as foolish from a practical point of view. ‘I have a rake and twenty minutes, I want to help’. ‘Sure, but first go to the Town office and get approval’. If it takes longer to ask to volunteer, then to do the actual task you are volunteering for, maybe the bureaucracy is too tight in the situation. Bit of a pet peeve of mine, as I volunteer for/with various groups and have bounced off the administrative overhead on more then one occasion. I just want to help, not take on a part time unpaid job of navigating the bureaucracy so that I am allowed to help.

      Apparently the Ambulance building is showing it’s age. The feeling was expressed that if the building was closer to the road, the public would be demanding it be kept in better shape. But as it’s so far back, ‘out of sight, out of mind‘.

      And the previously missing presentation on a Recreation Center happened tonight. Tom (Town Board Member) shared the results of his research and ideas for future usage of the 15 Monroe Street building (former Library). Very little of the information felt new to me, I think I’ve heard it all at previous Board meetings. But the presentation did capture it all thoroughly, making it a good summary for people that were less informed on plans. In a nutshell, the plan is to patch up the building, making it code compliant (in particular the bathrooms), and then open it as a ‘Recreation Center’, targeted at the 6-10 graders. While the idea sounds worth exploring, my initial thought is it competes with the public school system. HFL has pretty well captured that market. Having said that, I’m not in the targeted age group, nor do I have anyone in the group in my family, so maybe this is a needed function.

      And those are my Observations From Audience Land for the January 7, 2019 meeting of the Mendon Town Board.

Link to agenda on Town website until they update it, losing the past.

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