Mendon Town Board 2018-12-31

      Today (2018-12-31) was a special meeting of the Mendon Town Board.

      I asked, and the primary purpose for having an off cycle meeting was to simplify end of year finances. Not quiet what I would consider a noble reason, but I can’t really fault it either. Accordingly, the largest part of the meeting was probably the approval of vouchers and budget adjustments.

      I can only say ‘probably’ because the public comment portion of the meeting was surprisingly long. Another of the regular audience members brought up the potential youth center in the former library building (15 Monroe). The core of his comment was how there hadn’t been any public discussion about this topic, yet action appeared to be happening. He wanted the board to have some discussion in front of the public before they spent the public’s money. I thought there was going to be a presentation on this topic at one of the meetings that I missed, but apparently not. I do agree though, it seemed like a reasonable request.

      The recent breaking of a window at the library was mentioned. Sounds like someone threw a rock through it. Not good, but this is one of the inherent flaws with large amounts of glass in buildings. It’s easier to break in through a window then a wall. And when there is money in sight, well some people don’t handle temptation well. I got the sense this board felt they were out of the discussion loop as to what all had happened. Of course, with this sort of thing, it’s entirely possible everyone (besides the perpetrator) feels that way.

      And while I could type in the actual vouchers/budget adjustments, there wasn’t much else at the meeting. It was short, did it’s function, and then everyone dispersed to continue their day.

      And those are my Observations From Audience Land for the December 31, 2018 meeting of the Mendon Town Board.

Link to agenda on Town website until they update it, losing the past.

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