Mendon Town Board 2018-12-10

      Tonight (2018-12-10) was a meeting of the Mendon Town Board.

      Unlike the past two meetings, this one was on the second Monday of the month, so I was able to attend. There was also a decent sized crowd, primarily for the public hearing on a sewer agreement with Pittsford.

      To make it easier to hear the sound system was turned on, although there was an odd reverb/echo to it. Regardless, the speakers did their job, I could easily hear the Board. The volume was actually pretty good, which is a rarity of it’s own for sound systems.

      A few tidbits from the communication section of the meeting:

The Planning Board will be reviewing a winery case this week (Wednesday, Dec 12, 7PM). As I have family in this industry (although not connected to this particular case), I found this of interest.

Next month there will be a presentation on what is being (and has been) done at 15 Monroe (old library) as it is being converted into some sort of youth center. Of course, that meeting will be the first Monday (why?!) so I might well miss it. Stick to patterns people, they make life so much easier.

Sounds like approval for the Library children area has finally arrived, and it is time to actually buy the materials. As this was a quick comment, I may be missing details. I know this project has been on hold while waiting for State approval on the financials. Hopefully that has finally happened.

      I think someone forgot to put ‘approve minutes’ in their Agenda template. Not sure what else could lead to having to approve ten (10) minutes tonight. Oldest one was from Dec 11, 2017. So last years meeting. No discussion on this, just approval. Fair enough, not really worth discussing, but I do wonder what the story behind it is. Maybe something to ask about in the office.

      Budget transfer to pay for a new salt barn was approved. Good sized chunk of cash (~$420k). And cash it is, as they have been saving for quiet some time to manage this. As I understand it, a particular reimbursement from the State (CHIPS) has been set aside for a number of years to pay for this anticipated need. Now the time has come to spend that money, and the reserve is there to cover it. Not debt, saved for this function. I approve, is how finances should be done.

      Those short things aside, it was on to the big show for the evening: “Public Hearing – Resolution Regarding Potential Sewer Agreement with the Town of Pittsford”. As always, Sheldon (Town Attorney) was ready with his stopwatch.

      As mentioned at the top, there was pretty good turn out, so John (Supervisor) gave some background and set the stage for the comments. I felt there were more comments against the sewer plan then for, there was a decent mix of them. I was surprised how many people from outside of Mendon where there. That the developer and his staff was there didn’t surprise me, it is their plan. Still, with one minor exception, everyone kept it civil and the comments went well. Once they got started that is, the first brave soul took long enough to stand I almost expected John to close the public hearing before anyone said anything.

      Not that much else to say. None of the comments (on either side) really stood out to me as game changers. Various view points, that more or less made sense. In the end, the Board closed the public hearing and took no action tonight. They will ponder the various comments and take action at a future meeting (probably the January one).

      While there were additional agenda items after the public hearing, I don’t think any of them worth mentioning.

      And those are my Observations From Audience Land for the December 10, 2018 meeting of the Mendon Town Board.

Link to agenda on Town website until they update it, losing the past.

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