Honeoye Falls Village Board 2018-12-17

      Tonight (2018-12-17) was a meeting of the Honeoye Falls Board of Trustees.

      I’ll start with the last chronological event, but by far most emotional: Jerry Pavelsky (Deputy Mayor) is moving to Florida. As such, he is resigning from the Board. I know I won’t be the only one to miss him, both on the Board and in the community. Having known Jerry and family for quiet some time, I knew this was coming at some point. But life is change, so I hope he has a wonderful time at his new residence.

      The second most significant topic for the evening was the merging (in effect) of the Planning and Zoning Boards. Technically, both Boards were abolished, and a new one was created that has the duties of both. But it’s simpler to say ‘merged’, and is accurate enough. Members of this ‘new’ Board were also approved, although I didn’t catch all the names. It sounded like it’s a mix of existing Planning/Zoning members, which makes sense. Of the 6 names listed, maybe one was new, the rest I recognized from the current roster.

      Overall, I was impressed by the attention to detail and planning that was discussed. Waiting until they weren’t in the middle of an application, appointing new right off the bat, already scheduled training, etc. Regardless of the eventual outcome, this was not undertaken on a whim.

      I did find one particular comment during the discussion of note. Rick (Mayor) mentioned the Village Boards being ‘monitored’. In context, it felt like ‘adversaries looking to harm’, but I could have been reading that wrong. Regardless, I do wonder who else is keeping an eye on their local government? Unless it’s me, doing the observing. Which would be doubly amusing.

      Besides those two topics, the meeting had an assortment of interesting topics, but (in comparison) nothing that important.

      Managing the crowd at the Firemen‘s Parade was discussed. Everyone liked the parade, and had only good things to say about it. But there was some concern about the size of the crowd and it’s proximity to the vehicles. No actions taken, but they are looking ahead to next year.

      January 3rd, at 7:30PM, the local Historical Society will be having a tour of the Masonic Lodge. Apparently, the buildings insides are worth having a tour of. While I have been inside before, I havn’t had the opportunity to look that closely.

      Work is being done on the gas line on Papermill Street. A similar project in years past irritated a number of residents. To preempt a repeat, the Village has already been talking to the work crews. Sounds like they expect this time to go much smoother, if not any quicker. Still, we like our utilities, therefore we like the construction that keeps them running.

      The sewer extension to Lima is done. Not to mislead, is only to one house, that is just over the Village border. And the property owner paid for it, so no expense to the Village. Interesting in contrast with the Town and a sewer connection to Pittsford.

      Also sewer related, various systems at the Wastewater Treatment Plant are rather old and plans are being made to replace/update them. Sounds like they will be ‘internet of things’ing sewer systems. While I can understand the benefit, I can also see a potential downside. Eh, nothing ventured, nothing gained.

      And those are my Observations From Audience Land for the December 17, 2018 meeting of the Honeoye Falls Board of Trustees.

Link to agenda on Village website.

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