Honeoye Falls Planning Board 2018-12-03

      Tonight (2018-12-03) was a meeting of the Honeoye Falls Planning Board.

      The meeting itself was rather short and redundant. In essence, the board reaffirmed the conclusion from their previous meeting. Which is to say, a ‘No’ for Muffy’s subdivision.

      Apparently, at the previous meeting they decided to deny Muffy’s request, without actually denying it. Whereas tonight was the actual denial. Felt very much like following technical procedure. While this meant no surprises, which was good, it felt completely redundant, which wasn’t so good. At least the issue is (hopefully) resolved.

      After that, with the end of the formal agenda, a resident wanted to share some criticism of Josh Landscaping. To the Planning Board’s credit, while they did listen, they made it clear they don’t have the authority to address the issue. Pointed the resident in the right direction, and then listened. Who knows, maybe he just wanted someone to listen for a bit.

      With that it was time for pie. While I don’t think this is quiet an annual tradition with this group, it’s not the first time pie has been available at the end of the meeting. Too late for Thanksgiving, too early for Christmas, but anytime to celebrate with friends and neighbors is time well spent.

      And those are my Observations From Audience Land for the December 3, 2018 meeting of the Honeoye Falls Planning Board.

Link to agenda on Village website, for whatever that is worth.

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