Honeoye Falls Village Board 2018-11-19

      Tonight (2018-11-19) was a meeting of the Honeoye Falls Board of Trustees.

      Next month may see the end of the Village Planning and Zoning boards, as there will be a public hearing at the December 17 meeting to discuss that. Assuming it passed, both Boards would be dissolved, and a new Zoning Board would then be created which would fulfill the duties of both. Is an interesting idea, I look forward to watching how it turns out.

      Apparently Workers Compensation benefits have more then doubled in the past twelve years. No reason for this increase was stated, although some surprise for it was. The verbiage of that surprise has me thinking it’s primarily a State requirement, but that is speculative. Still, a considerable increase, which will impact the budget when that time comes.

      There should be a new fire Chief ‘soon’, as the existing one will step down once his term expires, which sounds to be in a month or so. As I don’t recall ever voted on this position, I’m reasonably certain the members of the fire department choose their own Chief. Regardless, the Village Board had a variety of good things to say about Mark’s (current Chief) time on the job.

      Dave summed his Department of Public Works (DPW) report up in three words: Snow is here. He then elaborated on some details, but really, that was it. Snow fell, as tends to happen this time of year, and his department has to keep the roads and sidewalks more or less clear. Which they do a good job of, even if they sometimes wake me up in the process. Which isn’t a complaint: I want the roads to be drivable, therefor I want them working on them bright and early.

      The former GM plant on Carriage street has it’s two new owners all lined up and ready to go. Unfortunately, as much as they want to announce themselves, the county needs to approve something first. Wasn’t clear what the holdup was, as all involved seem to be more then ready to go public. Either way, the empty buildings should have new tenants ‘soon‘.

      Saturday December 8th there will be a Christmas (or Fire Department, depending on who you ask) Parade through the Village. Scheduled to start at 6:30PM, followed by Chili in the Village office, a party in the fire house, and a variety of treats along the street front (as happens most years). There was talk about closing the streetside parking along Main street from the Post office to the light, so that there was more space for the crowd. Uncertain how that will play out, but you might want to plan accordingly that evening.

      Also Christmas related, there will be a ‘Living Nativity’ in Harry Allen Park on December 16th, at 6:30PM. Worth noting the Presbyterian Church will have a Community Meal starting at 4PM, so you could have dinner then enjoy the show. And I hear they have cookies and hot chocolate in the scout house after the Nativity.
Nativity Poster 2018, Dec 16 6:30PM, Harry Allen Park

      May 10-12 a group is looking to camp out in Rotary park as part of a Civil War reenactment. While I find this a bit odd, any excuse for a party, so I can’t fault them there. Still details to work out, but they have time.

      CAFUA Management, the owners of the local Dunkin Donuts, will have their Letter of Credit released (or returned, there was some uncertainty on which word to use). Better late then never.

      And with that the Board moved into executive session to discuss annual employee evaluations. Which meant it was time for me to go.

      And those are my Observations From Audience Land for the November 19, 2018 meeting of the Honeoye Falls Board of Trustees.

Link to agenda on Village website.

      As an aside, as with last month, the Mendon Town Board met at the same time as the Village Board. And also as last month, by pattern they should have met last week. Again, a holiday appears to have caused the scheduling change (even if it was on a Sunday). As the post title gives away, I chose to observe the Village Board. While I understand why the Town changed their schedule, I figured I’d take the time now to point out how I, as someone that goes to a variety of meetings, would prefer they (and everyone for that matter) sticks to regular patterns. I don’t like to pick and choose between which section of government I observe. Still, as that was my biggest problem today, I’m doing pretty well.

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