Honeoye Falls Zoning Board 2018-09-24

      Tonight (2018-09-24) was a meeting of the Honeoye Falls Zoning Board.

      This was the first meeting at the new time, 7PM instead of 7:30PM. Two board members were late, but as everyone else was on time they started as scheduled. Managed to finish before 7:30, so we almost got out of the building before late people arrived.

      The application itself was rather straightforward. Dohr’s wanted to build a small addition to their house, that was 8 feet into a 60 foot rear setback. Request was approved.

      As I sit on a different Zoning Board, I know I am biased here, but I sometimes dislike the process this Board takes to reach their decisions. Don’t get me wrong, I agree with their approval tonight. It just wasn’t clear to me how that approval was justified. Still, it is the sort of thing that is only a problem if someone complains, and considering no one was there to complain, I don’t see it being a problem. I’m certainly not going to challenge their decision.

      Related, one of the Board members seems to be trying to ‘Chair from behind’. Motivation may matter here, but from where I was Observing they seemed more focused on an efficient meeting then anything else. Nothing wrong with helping the Board get it’s work done, especially when you are on the Board.

      And those are my Observations From Audience Land for the September 24, 2018 meeting of the Honeoye Falls Zoning Board.

Link to agenda on Village website.

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