Honeoye Falls Village Board 2018-07-16

      Tonight (2018-07-16) was a meeting of the Honeoye Falls Board of Trustees.

      Unfortunately, there was also a meeting of the Town Board and the Library Board. As I have not yet learned the trick of being in more then one place at a time, I could only pick one.

      The meeting opened with a moment of silence in memory of former Mayor D’Hont, who recently passed away. I won’t claim to know the details of his story, but it is good to remember those whose work we build upon.

      The bell on the top of the Village Office has apparently been fixed. It should once again be sounding off the hours, although it is 25 seconds slow. Volume is currently on the low side, and those present were mixed on raising it. I expect it will get a little louder, but not much.

      The planned musician for tomorrow’s “Good Vibes Flowing“, will not be there, as there was a death in the family. Alternate musician(s?) have been arranged, so there will still be music.

      There have been a number of resignation at the Village. As mentioned last week, the Planning Board Chair is moving out of the village. Mentioned tonight was the Planning/Zoning clerk and the Court clerk. Must be that time of year.

      The air conditioner at the ambulance base apparently is in need of replacement. While looking into that it was discovered the heating side of the furnace is bad too, so the whole system will be replaced at once. If I heard the numbers right, the total project will cost about $17k. As a comment was made about the difficulty of resting while in ambulance uniform at the temperatures it was last week, I wonder why a portable/window air conditioner wasn’t brought in. Could get something for a few hundred dollars and stick it in a window. Wouldn’t completely fix the problem, but should take the edge off. Mind you, for all I know this was done, but not mentioned.

      Which brought us to the Gayron de Bruin open house, which was interesting for multiple reasons. First was that it was so late in the agenda. Often when an item has someone waiting for it, it is moved earlier in the agenda. Likely an oversight tonight. Second was that the rules for ‘special event‘ permits are actually being enforced. Good that they are, as there isn’t much point to having rules if they aren’t enforced. Just seems like a bad rule to me. And third, was that there will be an open house (to the public) on Thursday (7/19) from 3-7PM. In the former Oppedisano Bootery, for those that haven’t noticed the recent changes. I’ll probably swing by for a few minutes, if only to say hi to the new neighbors.

      Last item on the agenda is the temporary bridge closing in a few weeks. Currently looks like it will be Aug 6-10, but details may change. As this is a state Department of Transportation project, the Village seems to be outside of the decision making process. It was said this is for joint repair, so the bridge should remain visually unchanged. Also, Hyde Park will remain one way through this project. We’ll all have to find other ways to get over the bridge for that week. Depending on how much rain we have, I may be crossing the creek on foot.

      And those are my Observations From Audience Land for the July 16, 2018 meeting of the Honeoye Falls Board of Trustees.

Digital version of Agenda was not available anywhere I could find. Perhaps it will be on the Village’s website in the future, perhaps not…

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