Honeoye Falls Planning Board 2018-06-04

      Tonight (2018-06-04) was a meeting of the Honeoye Falls Planning Board.

      The only applicant was Miller Lanes, who were looking to add some outdoor seating for the restaurant side of the business. They mostly got approval in the end, but the discussion to get there was amusing at times.

      In context of safety concerns elsewhere, I found the attempts to make it impossible for cars to enter the seating area amusing. As with all too many ideas, good enough as a concept, but impractical when implemented. At some point, actions to increase safety actually decrease safety, by creating unnecessary obstacles. So tonight I had the joy of observing diminishing returns in action.

      As I have to put up with loud noises often enough, I can appreciate concerns about making new sources of noise. Having said that, the talk around the background music was both too much and too little. Too much in the sense that, once the existence of the noise ordinance is pointed out, a quick look at the map should show no neighboring residences. Between those two, the topic should be done. Yet too little: If moving imaginary lines on paper qualifies for a long form State Environmental Quality Review (SEQR), then so should background music during dinner. After all, who’s to say it does become a rock concert at some point. Yes, that would need additional approvals, but it could happen, so might as well stop it now.

      In a similar vein, approval was granted conditionally. Nothing inherently wrong with that, conditions can serve a variety of beneficial purposes. Tonight’s purpose seemed to be removing the need for the applicant to return, and through that minimizing work load at future meetings. Accordingly the conditions were around providing detailed and accurate site plan, including (but not limited to) location and types of plants, location, height, and construction of screening, location and strength of lighting, and adequate space to allow handicapped pedestrians to navigate. All to be reviewed by the Chair, Village Attorney, and Code Enforcement Officer. I understand the Board has the authority to waive requirements, but in comparison to another case, it was striking.

      And I believe tonight was the first Planning Board meeting where David was formally filling the role of Code Enforcement Officer. Clearly much to learn about this particular task, but he seemed to be doing pretty well. Had his act together on most things, but was willing to admit uncertainty and that he would get back with answers. While I will miss Charlie, it looks like his work for the Village is in good hands.

      And those are my Observations From Audience Land for the June 04, 2018 meeting of the Honeoye Falls Planning Board.

Agenda was not available anywhere I could find. Perhaps it will be on the Village’s website in the future, perhaps not…

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