Honeoye Falls Planning Board 2018-05-23

      Tonight (2018-05-23) was a special meeting of the Honeoye Falls Planning Board.

      The topic of the evening was Muffy’s subdivision on Rittenhouse/Peer. Or more particularly, the Board’s review of her response to the State Environmental Quality Review (SEQR)

      In addition to Mike (Village Attorney), there was also a second lawyer. I believe her name was Mary, but can’t be sure I heard that right.

      At the core, the meeting was the Board deciding that Muffy’s response to SEQR was insufficient and/or inaccurate. They then produced a response back to her. Group wordsmithing can be painful to watch, but I’ll give them credit for having a draft written up before hand. Made the process quicker.

      Ironically enough, one of the Boards criticisms of Muffy’s document was that is had too much information in it. In contrast, at previous meetings she was told she hadn’t provided them enough information.

      Overall, I think this has been drawn out too long, and the Village (through the Planning Board) owes Muffy an answer to her requested subdivision. Either yes she can do it, or no she can’t. Stop the ‘death by a thousand cuts‘ and answer the question. Then she can either accept it and move on with her life, or challenge it and go down that road.

      Other then that, about the only thing to say is to repeat my dislike of meetings off scheduled. I think having them on a different day of the week, and a different time of the day, does no one a service here. Might be different if the applicant was going to get a ‘Yes’ answer for a time sensitive issue, but Muffy wasn’t getting an answer tonight. Should have added this to the last meeting, or wait until the next.

      And those are my Observations From Audience Land for the May 23, 2018 meeting of the Honeoye Falls Planning Board.

Agenda was not available anywhere I could find. Perhaps it will be on the Village’s website in the future, perhaps not…

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