Honeoye Falls Planning Board 2018-05-07

      Tonight (2018-05-07) was a meeting of the Honeoye Falls Planning Board.

      A number of Board members commented on how long it had been since they have seen each other. Last meeting was back in February, as nothing has come before this Board since. While three months isn’t the longest of times, it is nice to catch up after a time apart.

      Primary discussion was around a concept plan for the Valero gas station. Not the first concept I have heard for this location, but it did sound promising this time. Basically the owner wants to enlarge the store, shuffling some pumps as needed. All without changing the existing canopy.

      The Board did sound happy with the idea, referring to it as a ‘creative solution’. But the devil is ever in the details. Consider unrelated past situations, I would not be terribly surprised if a reason for “NO” turns up before approval is given.

      Sounds like Muffy will be back on the agenda for the next meeting, I was wondering how she was doing. An EIS (was not stated, but probably an Environmental Impact Statement) was received by the village, and they have scheduled a special meeting for Wednesday May 23, at 5:30PM. While I am not a fan of special meetings (a regular schedule exists for a reason), hopefully the timely response will help resolve this issue. While government is not quick (nor should it be), I feel this has been drawn out for too long already.

      And those are my Observations From Audience Land for the May 07, 2018 meeting of the Honeoye Falls Planning Board.

Hopefully, the link to agenda on Village website will work in the future. At the time of writing, it is generating a 404 error.

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