Mendon Library Trustees 2018-04-09

      Tonight (2018-04-09) was a Mendon Public Library Board of Trustee meeting.

      Ironically enough, what struck me as the most controversial issue of the night was the discussion about discussing. Or to put it in a little more detail: the library talked about asking someone to make a call, to tell someone to make another call, to ask someone to do their job. All of this so that the library can actually start the construction on a project that was supposed to have finished last year. Never let it be said that bureaucracies are quick. In the end, the board did decide to make that first request, but to phrase it as a status update.

      A few nearby libraries were recently audited, which has led this board to review some of its practices. They seem to be comfortable enough with how things are, but wouldn’t want any unpleasant surprises when they are audited. And it is always ‘when’, even if there are no indications on the horizon. Best to be prepared.

      On a similar topic, there was discussion about computer security and it being audited. It sounded like the vendor performs regular internal audits, and uses those to fix potential problems before they become actual problems. Good approach, when it works.

      I did find it interesting how it was stated that there are no critical systems on site. That all the truly important computer files/infrastructure is offsite, mostly as part of the Monroe County Library System. Great in that it lowers the amount of work that must be handled locally. Lousy in that it creates a point of failure the local library has no control over. And I suspect some of the non-critical files on site would feel rather critical if they were lost.

      Amusingly enough, the idea of videoconferencing for board members that were out of town came up. As the school used this for a particular member who was often traveling for business, it would seem the library could as well. As always, it comes down to the details. Sounds like wherever the board member is becomes subject to the open meeting laws. Such as being open to the public, should anyone want to show up and observe, and being publicly announced beforehand. Might not be an issue if you were at a hotel, room 403 is open to the public (for example). Probably wouldn’t work so well for a residence. Doable, but seems a bit impractical. Thus board members show up at their board meetings (imagine that).

      And those are my Observations From Audience Land for the April 9, 2018 meeting of the Mendon Public Library Board of Trustees.

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