Honeoye Falls Village Board 2018-04-16

      Tonight (2018-04-16) was a meeting of the Honeoye Falls Board of Trustees.

      It was the meeting of the David’s. David the student representative shared the latest happenings at HFL. David the (former?) skate boarder shared his plans on fund raising upgrades to the skate park, for the benefit of his son. David the head of public works shared a variety of things in his normal report.

      Apparently there is a ‘Sewit’ street in the village. I’m sure I spelled the name wrong, because it doesn’t actually exist. It, along with a Maple street (not to be confused with Maplewood), exist on some maps, but are not actual roads on the ground. Relevant in that the village is attempting to abandon them. Have to go through a process, including a public hearing, so they may fail in that attempt. It sounds like this is not the first time they attempted abandonment, yet here they are trying again.

      The Zoning Steering Committee is experiencing mission creep, and is therefor extending their schedule. The original plan had them wrapping up their job about now, instead they are undertaking a complete review/revamp of the zoning code. While mission creep is worrisome, the zoning code does need the review. Until we have a finished product to look at, it’s only so much speculation, but I remain hopeful.

      A resident of the Town of Lima was at tonight’s meeting to request their property be connected to the Village of Honeoye Falls sewer system. From a logistical standpoint, such a request makes sense. They are rather close to an existing line, and extending it to them shouldn’t be that hard/expensive. But, as was said tonight, it could be opening Pandora’s box. Up until this point the Village has been pretty strict about only offering sewer inside the Village. The middle school is the only building I’m aware of that is outside the Village, and I’m not completely sure they are on the sewer. As nice as it would be to help the property owners out here, it seems to stretch the Village’s jurisdiction too much.

      This Saturday, 4/21, there will be an Environmental Fair in Harry Allen Park from Noon to 3PM. For anyone interested in that sort of thing. I may attend, if only to find out where the attending groups fall between good stewardship and repealing industrialization.

      Renovation of the Harry Allen Park playground is being considered. Primarily because of damage to parts of it, and the cost to replace with same. There is a belief that replacing with different would be cheaper. The challenge is figuring out what that ‘different’ would be, and how best to implement that. Apparently the damage that has occurred is because big kids (ie high schoolers/adults) play on the playground too. That says to me that whatever is implemented should factor in that larger audience.

      At last months meeting, the Girl Scouts received permission to setup a temporary drive through cookie sale in Harry Allen Park. Tonight a thank you letter was shared. From their point of view the affair went well, and they sold many cookies.

      And those are my Observations From Audience Land for the April 16, 2018 meeting of the Honeoye Falls Board of Trustees.

Digital version of Agenda was not available anywhere I could find. Perhaps it will be on the Village’s website in the future, perhaps not…

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