Mendon Library Trustees 2018-03-05

      Tonight (2018-03-05) was a Mendon Public Library Board of Trustee meeting.

      Again no Planning Board, so I was able to Observe the Library Trustees instead. Not complaining, I am enjoying the opportunity get a ‘feel’ for how this Board works.

      The big item of discussion was the renovation/construction project, and the grants it is attached too. In particular, how various details and timelines interact. It sounds like the Library, the Town, and the Contractors are all ready to go, but the section of the State that is the source of one of the grant hasn’t approved the expenses yet. Which complicates things, as the contractors estimate goes up if they can’t start before a certain date. Or something to that effect, it wasn’t clear to me how all the details interacted, apart from everything currently waiting on approval from some other office somewhere.

      Some of you may recall a plaque at the old library naming the Board members at the time of it’s construction. The current Board is exploring something similar for the new library. Prompting jokes about that being the motivation for the new building.

      While I recall from past conversations, the library does not pay taxes, they have to fill out tax forms. Tonight those forms were reviewed. I found this humorous as I was reviewing tax forms early today as well. Just that time of year again.

      The Annual Report looks to be ready. The Board went over it and the library director applauded the staffs work in producing it. While not available for the public yet, it should be soon. Likely as hard copies in the Library, but also on the website. Expect it to replace last years report on the sidebar.

      Having finished the nights agenda the meeting formally closed. With that, the discussion moved to new family members. A grandma shared pictures of her grandchild, which prompted others. A dad to be shared how his wife was progressing and a new pet owner shared some stories and pictures. A happy end to the evening.

      And those are my Observations From Audience Land for the March 5, 2018 meeting of the Mendon Public Library Board of Trustees.

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