Honeoye Falls Village Board 2018-03-19

      Tonight (2018-03-19) was a meeting of the Honeoye Falls Board of Trustees.

      As was brought up at the meeting, tomorrow is the first day of spring. So we can expect flowers to start blooming at any moment. Or at least bugs flying through through the air. Hopefully more of the first, and less of the second. At least while inside, at meetings. Even if some of the reactions can be amusing.

      The big item of the evening was discussion of an Ugly Sweater 5K race. Currently looking at December 1, around noon. Still time to change those details, we’ll see. Being planned by the Willow Health and Wellness Center. They look to manage about a dozen other races, at various locations. Although something struck me as odd about the presenter. Couldn’t put my finger on it, but as he said “not everyone thinks the way I do”. I’ll agree with him, running in an Ugly Sweater is not something I would think of.

      The Village has a budget ready for approval directly before the upcoming annual meeting (April 2nd, ~5:30PM). As I failed to notice any announcements about their budget workshops, I don’t know what all is in this years budget. Either way, in a few weeks, there will be a time to ask questions and eat cookies. Plus hear about the ‘state of the village’. Maybe that speech will even be available online.

      There was discussion about not putting together an ice skating rink at Rotary park next year. Nothing concrete yet, but the general feeling is the demand is low enough, the effort high enough, and the weather doesn’t cooperate enough, that it’s not worth continuing. While I have no opinion on ice skating itself, I do approve of governmental entities cutting back on non-essential functions. Who knows, maybe this is best handled by allowing those residents that care to handle it themselves. If no one cares, it doesn’t happen. If someone/enough care, it does.

      A civil war reenactment group is looking to camp out in Rotary park during Festival on the Green (aka Village Days). As always, details to work out, but adding another interesting event to the celebration could be nice. If nothing else, it may remind us of our history, and help us avoid repeating certain mistakes.

      The scope of a previously approved review/update of the Zoning Code has been increased. And with that, the contract with the outside agency was updated. This looks to bring the total cost to about $40,000. While I think the project itself is worthwhile, and does need to be done, the dollar amount seems a bit higher then I would have expected. Still, as I just said, it does need to be done. Sometimes necessary expenses are higher then desired.

      There was discussion about curbside composting in the village. While I’m not particularly opposed to the idea, it seems odd to me that it would be a village function. It seems to me the HFL student that is pushing for this has an opportunity here. If there is demand, she can create her own career. If not, better to leave the government out of it altogether. Still, if there was a better option then tossing my orange peels in the dumpster, I’d be tempted to use it. After checking the details, always the details.

      The exploration of consolidating the Honeoye Falls Fire Department with the Mendon Fire District is continuing. To soon to predict any outcome, but Ed (Ambulance Chief) did have some advice from when his department looked at a similar consolidation. Hopefully his experiences will help this group as well.

      And girl scout cookie sales appear to be below necessary quota. The girls are looking to setup a temporary drive-thru event in Harry Allen Park. Details came into play again, but there was general agreement here. After all, the boy scouts use the park to sell Christmas trees. Might as well let the girls sell cookies. While I did not hear an actual date mentioned, the talk had me thinking it would be a Saturday soon. Perhaps as soon as next Saturday? Keep your eyes (and mouth) open.

      And those are my Observations From Audience Land for the March 19, 2018 meeting of the Honeoye Falls Board of Trustees.

Digital version of Agenda was not available anywhere I could find. Perhaps it will be on the Village’s website in the future, perhaps not…

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