Honeoye Falls Zoning Board 2018-02-26

      Tonight (2018-02-26) was a meeting of the Honeoye Falls Zoning Board.

      Per the agenda, there were three variances. But as all three involved the same applicant, for the same object (a sign), they were effectively treated as one. Which I thought made sense, streamline the process where possible so we aren’t strangled by the red tape.

      The owner of Pinehurst, Episcopal SeniorLife Communities, was looking to update the sign they have on main street. The existing sign has been there approximately 20 years, and they also wanted to add their neighbors, Pinebrooke Apartments, to the sign.

      The complication comes in that both housing locations are at the far end of Pine Trail, while the sign itself is at the other end, at the West Main intersection. All in all, seems like a nice idea, and a reasonable plan on implementing it. So I was not surprised that the Board approved all three variances.

      What did surprise, and encourage me, was how they went about the approval. Various Board members seemed to be taking an active effort in improving their process. Which I was glad to see, because at times this Board has seemed to be floundering. Time will tell (as it always does), but I thought it was a good sign.

      Even better, were the conversations that occurred as the Board was leaving. The Board was formally adjourned, but as we are all neighbors, people talked about things. Not Board actions or anything of that nature. Just people being people and talking to each other about the various adventures they have had in their lives. Putting aside silly reasons to not talk.

      Something I am always glad to see. Both at Board meetings, but anywhere in life. There are enough challenges in life, we don’t need to make more by being abrasive towards our neighbors. So good job us : )

      And those are my Observations From Audience Land for the February 26, 2018 meeting of the Honeoye Falls Zoning Board.

Link to agenda on Village website.
Link to agenda stored on this site, should the village lose their copy.

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