Honeoye Falls Village Board 2018-02-20

      Tonight (2018-02-20) was a meeting of the Honeoye Falls Board of Trustees.

      Amusingly enough, there was a sign on the Village Office door today (and yesterday) indicating the meeting had been ‘rescheduled’ for tonight. Amusing because I remember when they approved this years meeting schedule and how this meeting (and last months) were deliberately set to be on Tuesdays instead of Mondays.

      Rick (Mayor) talked about a conference he had attended. During which he shared that this years state aid increase to schools was more then the total municipal aid to non-schools (ignoring New York City). Interesting comparison to make. Could be interpreted a number of ways, but I take it as more evidence the state should lower it’s taxes. Give away less ‘aid’, and lower taxes to match. Mind you, that’s not how ‘strong’ central governments work, so not likely to happen.

      In light of recent unfortunate activities at another school district (which we do not name in detail, as it will only encourage further such evil idiots), the student representative to this board was asked if the student body here would do anything. He had no clear answer, as it’s Winter Recess this week. He expects once students return to school they will talk, and if they so decide, take action. Which struck me as odd. What sort of action could the students take here? At the risk of being insensitive, it’s like pigs complaining about conditions at the slaughterhouse. Their mere presence effectively gives up any meaningful choice they could make. Now if the districts residents were to home school their children, en masse (but not all in the same group), that could change things. But as with taxes, I don’t expect to see any significant changes. Regardless, I’ll be interested in hearing what the kids decide to do.

      Honeoye Falls Fire Department is apparently talking with the Mendon Fire District about consolidating. Much like when Ambulance consolidation was looked at, no firm commitment here, just exploring the possibility and what it’s pros/cons would be. Good to consider this sort of thing from time to time, even if it leads nowhere. If nothing else, being reminded why the groups are divided the way they are can be beneficial.

      On the topic of Ambulance, sounds like they are having a busy year so far. If I heard the numbers right, in the past 10 days they have had 51 calls. It has felt like I’ve heard more sirens of late. Always a shame went people are hurt and need help, but good to have those that are there to offer that help.

      The Conservation Board is planning some sort of Earth/Arbor Day event at Harry Allen Park on Saturday April 21, from noon to 2PM. I tend to have mixed thoughts whenever I hear about these sort of events. On the one hand, good stewardship of what we have is good (to be repetitive). On the other hand, there seems to be a very slim line between that and religious fanaticism. Maybe it’s just people being people, or maybe it’s something about this particular issue. Either way, I’m both glad to hear about another party in the park, as I’m concerned about it’s potential implications.

      And some future dates/times to add to your calendar:
Next Wednesday, February 28, at 6:30PM the zoning program committee will be meeting at the Village Office. Not officially a public meeting, but I’ve been to enough of these to be pretty confident anyone who sits in a corner and silently watches would be allowed to do so.
And April 2nd will be the Village’s Public Budget Hearing and Annual Meeting. Budget Hearing at 5:30PM, Annual Meeting at 6PM, and Planning Board at 7PM. Tends to be decent turn out for the Annual Meeting, probably because they have cookies.

      And those are my Observations From Audience Land for the February 20, 2018 meeting of the Honeoye Falls Board of Trustees.

Link to agenda on Village website.
Link to agenda stored on this site, should the village lose their copy.

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