Multiple Meetings 2018-01-08

      Tonight (2018-01-08) was the Mendon Town Board‘s annual organizational meeting. There was also a meeting of the Honeoye Falls Planning Board.

      I only stayed for the first half (or so) of the Town Organizational Meeting. During that time they got through item 48 on the agenda. Most of the items were the normal stuff you get at this sort of meeting, although I will give John (Town Supervisor) credit for pointing out significant changes from last year as they occurred. Of note, there were two boy scouts in attendance. Likely there as part of a badge, but good all the same.

      The Sentinel was approved as the Official Newspaper. Which had me thinking about the ‘why’ of this designation. If we assume the intent is to deliver news to the most town residents as practical, does the function of ‘Official Newspaper’ become obsolete as technology changes? At some point, does the Town’s website (or Facebook page, etc) become a more reliably method of general communication with the public?

      Amusingly enough, tonight ‘ice’ referred to frozen water. As acronyms are used so often, it was questioned what ICE might stand for. Sometimes frozen water is just frozen water.

      Of personal note, I was appointed to a full term on the Town Zoning Board. Previously I have been filling the remainder of another term. Good timing with the place in the agenda, as I left shortly after this so I would get to the Planning Board meeting on time.

      And those are my Observations From Audience Land for the January 8, 2018 meeting of the Mendon Town Board.

Link to agenda on Town website until they update it, losing the past.
Link to agenda stored on this site, for when the town lose their copy.

      The Village Planning Board meeting was relatively short and quiet. Mathstone/NOTMI appears to have dropped development plans at 14 Norton, while they are continuing with the storage units at the corner of Norton and High street. No one from Mathstone was at the meeting, as the discussion was of a procedural nature. The Planning Board had to declare itself ‘Lead Agency‘ as part of the State Environmental Quality Review (SEQR) process. Having done so, they now have to wait 30 days to see if someone else wants the title. As no one else will want it, but no action can be taken until the timer runs out, there was no need for Mathstone to send anyone.

      Apart from that, there was some general discussion on what steps need to be taken. Cross every i, dot every t. That sort of thing.

      In the interests of minimizing the delay for Mathstone, the next Planning Board meeting is scheduled for February 13th (2/13) at 7:30PM. While I can understand this schedule change, I’m not happy with it. Mostly because it creates a scheduling conflict for me. But that is life, making the best of the situations we find ourselves in.

      And those are my Observations From Audience Land for the January 8, 2018 meeting of the Honeoye Falls Planning Board.

Link to agenda on Village website.
Link to agenda stored on this site, should the village lose their copy.

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