Mendon Town Board 2017-12-28

      This morning (2017-12-28) was a meeting of the Mendon Town Board.

      The primary function of this meeting appears to be handling end of the year vouchers and budget adjustments. There were a few other topics of discussion, but I think all those could have been delayed. It was all about the money.

      Normally it’s an evening meeting, so there is no light to speak of outside. Today the sun shining through the windows gave the meeting a different feel.

      Sounds like the Town office is expected a busy day tomorrow, with people pre-paying next years tax bills. Apparently there was an article in the paper recently, and some people are worried. Nothing like uncertainty to encourage panicked actions.

      Bud (Highway Superintendent) is trying to arrange for snow fences on two farm properties that used to have them. For whatever reason, the owners are saying ‘no’ this year. The lack of the fence leads to drifting on the roads. Hopefully we won’t see any accidents caused by this.

      And those are my Observations From Audience Land for the December 28, 2017 meeting of the Mendon Town Board.

Link to agenda on Town website until they update it, losing the past.
Link to agenda stored on this site, for when the town lose their copy.

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