Mendon Town Board 2017-12-11

      Tonight (2017-12-11) was a meeting of the Mendon Town Board.

      My frequent attendance at these meetings has definitely been noted. A board member saw me walking away from the Town Hall before the meeting and they wondered if I was going to miss the meeting. So there was some surprise when I arrived with time to spare. As has been the pattern for many a year, I visit the Library Monday nights.

      A number of times the ‘New’ Library at 22 N Main and/or the ‘Old’ Library at 15 Monroe came up. To such an extent, I wasn’t the only one that had difficulty keeping track of which building was being talked about at times. I’m pretty sure the wrong number was said a few times, even if it was right on the papers.

      Jim (Town Clerk) is working on updating the Town’s website. I am always glad to hear that’s being done. Too many websites go too long without being updated (even I am guilty of this).

      An upcoming Library holiday party was mentioned. Wednesday, December 20, time appears to be 6:30-7:30 PM. I’ll be in the building for other reasons, perhaps I’ll join the party as well.

      One of the board members stated their 2018 goal of finding a tenant for the former GM buildings. I know he’s not the only one trying to achieve this goal. I’m sure any help would be welcomed here.

      It sounds like the Friends of the Library have paid off the last bit of the Bond Anticipation Note (BAN). I recall hearing this statement before, so this may not be the real final payment. Probably some qualifying details here. Either way, money changed hands which covers expenses that otherwise would have been handled by the general tax payer. So all good here.

      The Town is considering changing how they manage health insurance for employees. No decision was made tonight, but there was some discussion. My sense of things is that health insurance, as a system, has been broken. And because of that, the Town isn’t sure what to do now. I know they aren’t the only ones facing this challenge, I face it myself.

      We had an election not that long ago, and those chosen to serve now have to attend “Newly Elected Town Official’s School”. Amusing in that it’s all incumbents here, hence not really ‘new’. Still, mandatory training is mandatory.

      CHIPS have been mentioned various times at these meetings. Usually in the context of the Consolidated Local Street and Highway Improvement Program. Tonight it was mentioned in the context of woodchips. These required explaining how CHIPS are not chips.

      And for those interested in such events, there will be a Swearing-In Ceremony at the community center (former legion hall) on Jan 1, noon. I wouldn’t expect much turn out, but it’s something to do New Year’s day.

      And those are my Observations From Audience Land for the December 11, 2017 meeting of the Mendon Town Board.

Link to agenda on Town website until they update it, losing the past.
Link to agenda stored on this site, for when the town lose their copy.

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