Honeoye Falls Village Board 2017-12-18

      Tonight (2017-12-18) was a meeting of the Honeoye Falls Board of Trustees.

      Ironically enough, this meeting highlighted Sunday’s church sermon. Which is to say, we are all flawed. We make our best efforts, and hopefully get it right. But mistakes are made, at which point we do our best to correct and move on. Not actually said by anyone present, but I saw parellels as corrections were made on various agenda items.

      Mentioned again was a movie that was filmed in the village a few years ago, Solver by Jack Kelley. Apparently there will be an early screening at the Middle School Auditorium, Jan 6 at 7PM. Hopefully I have those details right. If not, there should be an announcement on the Village’s website and Facebook page before too long.

      With K&H‘s recent expansion, a number of people have complained to the village about the smell. K&H say this is being addressed, although it may be a month or two to put the plan in to practice. In the meantime, the chemists involved claim there is nothing harmful in the gases. Still, I’m sure the neighbors will be glad when the process change lessens the smell.

      Two weekend’s ago the firemen held their annual parade. Apparently the village trustees judge the various floats and vehicles. Tonight the ambulance chief passed along the dissatisfaction of his crew that their float didn’t place. The trustees pointed out how they tend to not award the entrees from the departments directly under them. Which makes sense, from a conflict of interests point of view. But this led to some discussion about if that was fair or not. As with many thing, balance is critical and difficult to achieve.

      As the Pinebrook apartments are nearing completion (at least of this phase), troubles with water runoff are being noted. Unfortunately, not the only place in the village where this is happening. Seems like we have either too much or too little water, depending on where the measuring point is. As construction isn’t complete, hopefully a solution can be found.

      A few years back the ambulance service Supervisor retired, and the assistant was promoted to fill the position. At the time, an attempt to convert the assistant position to part time was made. Now it looks like that isn’t working out as well as the ambulance chief would like. So the village is exploring returned to two full time supervisors, head and assistant. Time will tell how this turns out.

      A resident has written a letter to the village complaining about overpopulation of deer, and requested they involve the Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC) in lower the herd size. I’ll agree there sure seem like alot of deer in the village, but that’s what you get when you eliminate natural predators and forbid hunting. No decision was made on hunting, but the village will be looking to the DEC for more information on process and options.

      And those are my Observations From Audience Land for the December 18, 2017 meeting of the Honeoye Falls Board of Trustees.

Link to agenda on Village website.
Link to agenda stored on this site, should the village lose their copy.

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