Mendon Town Board 2017-08-14

      Tonight (2017-08-14) was a meeting of the Mendon Town Board.

      Showed up a bit early, which was good as also early was Mike Graves, whose children I had gone to school with. Gave us an opportunity to chat and catch up. As other people came in, I yet again encountered evidence of the small town we live in: I knew nearly all of the dozen or so audience members.

      Sheldon (Town Attorney) was absent tonight. Wasn’t a problem, as he has trained the board well enough to get by without him. But they did answer questions during comment time, which he has spoken against. Was amusing, and I believe appropriate. How better to serve the public then answering their questions?

      The town has noted their lack of Facebook page, and it sounds like they will be pursuing that option. After all, must keep up with the other municipalities. Or, instead, they could use their existing website. Not that I can really fault them, Facebook is simple, even if it’s not really ‘yours’. Your website is more complex, but it is ‘yours’. Always pros and cons.

      A presentation was on the agenda from the Library. But first, it had to be forgotten, twice (three if you count the vouchers). When they were finally remembered, Kelly (Assistant Children’s Librarian) shared the plans for renovating the children’s corner of the library. As seems to be the pattern, the library gets a grant that has a time limit, forcing the town to take action. Not necessarily a bad thing, as it forces the discussion to conclude and action to be taken. Mind you, it could also encourage actions that are later regretted. We’ll see how this turns out.

      A collection of ‘shared services’ were approved. Ironic as these have all been done for years. Another case of the governor’s demand leading to paperwork but no actual changes. Looking at the details, the ‘shared services’ are all things that are logical overlaps. If the village is already plowing a dozen parking spots, why shouldn’t they grab the town’s two, that are part of the same parking lot. We’ll see what happens next time the governor tosses demands around.

      Floeser requested a code change during public comment time. He brought up the recent spike in use variances for 2 unit residences in the business district. Which implies the zoning should be changed to allow them, hence his request. Sounds like the change will happen, once the town finishes their ‘re-codifying’ process. Also known as “Soon”.

      And those are my Observations From Audience Land for the June 12th, 2017 meeting of the Mendon Town Board.

Link to agenda on Town website until they update it, losing the past.
Link to agenda stored on this site, for when the town lose their copy.

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