Honeoye Falls Planning Board 2017-06-05

      Tonight (2017-06-05) was a meeting of the Honeoye Falls Planning Board.

      The agenda items were dealt with in a surprisingly quick and efficient manner. To such an extent it was commented upon at the eventual end of the meeting. The non-agenda items, on the other hand, were entertaining in their time consuming tangents.

      Attendance was troublesome tonight. Two of the board members did not make it to the meeting, which meant the remaining three had to act in unison on all items. One of those missing was the Chair, but to her credit she had communicated her absent to her temporary replacement, so there were no surprises there.

      The surprises came in the third member and their late arrival, which delayed the start of the meeting slightly. Only a few minutes, but as everyone else arrived early it seemed longer. Not that anyone seemed to mind, as the time was filled with stories about previous construction projects. The challenges of replacing lath and plaster was a reoccurring point.

      Once there was a quorum, the formal agenda items were quickly handed. Last meetings minutes were approved, as was the requested porch/deck. The building owner was clearly looking forward to the project, as he went on about the details of his project and the joys of working with older properties.

      And with that, the agenda was done. Not to criticize the normal chair, as she does the job quiet well, but her fill in was clearly up to the challenge. Mind you, I could argue this request was so straightforward it shouldn’t have needed approval. But that is the question of proper role of government.

      After the applicant left, the village attorney and code enforcement officer filled the board in on various other upcoming activities that might be of interest to the planning board. Which led to questions from the board, and the tangential topics that grew from there. Which was fine, there were no pressing actions to take and discussion itself can be useful.

      In a general sense, it was mostly stuff I already knew from previous meetings. Still, it is good the different parts of the Village government are informing each other of their actions.

      And those are my Observations From Audience Land for the June 5th, 2017 meeting of the Honeoye Falls Planning Board.

Link to agenda on Village website.
Link to agenda stored on this site, should the village lose their copy.

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