Honeoye Falls-Lima Board of Education 2017-06-27

      Tonight (2017-06-27) was a meeting of the Honeoye Falls-Lima Board of Education (BoE).

      Unfortunately, Gene (Superintendent) was out sick tonight. I don’t know exactly what is going on, and if I did it’s not really my place to announce it. He’ll share details if/when he wants. Until then I can but pray he recovers from whatever is troubling him.

      But beyond that downer, tonight’s meeting had a celebration (or two). It was Janet Somes last meeting as a BoE member. So the group celebrated her many years of service with cake and presents. One side bonus to attending meetings, every once in a while they have snacks.

      Also worth noting is this was Mary McNamara’s last BoE meeting as staff. If I heard her right, she is done in three days. I remember having her as a teacher back when I was a student, so she’s been there a while. I’ll be polite to her age and not say exactly how long ago that was.

      When the group got back to the table, Cougar Tech (FIRST Team 2228) presented on their activities this past year. This years presentation was a bit different then most. Less polished, but more heartfelt. Two of the team members spoke about what they had done. Not the best of speakers, but they did fine. I generally would rather the students present anyways. The adults can take a step back so the kids can learn as they do. Which they did, so it’s all good. And the demonstration of the robots each year are a nice touch too.

      Following robotics was Interscholastic Athletics, with much joking about how Brian (Athletics Director) would have rather it been the other way around. Lots of athletes and events at HFL, definitely keeps him busy.

      The revised Code of Conduct (CoC) was approved. They also address the question I raised last meeting. ‘Authorized threats’ is a legal requirement for covering discipline. The example of ‘next time your are late you’ll get detention’ was used. Wording feels wrong, but I understand the reasoning. I do appreciate the follow up, and made a point to thank Gary (Board President) for it.

      I also brought up another wording issue with the CoC, which will probably be addressed at some point. I counted ten (10) lists of ‘protected classes’, yet seven (7) ways they are listed. Mostly they are the same, but some leave particular ones out. While I think the whole ‘protected classes’ idea is fundamentally flawed and damaging to society, if it’s going to be used it might as well be listed consistently. Sounds like they will look it over and adjust as needed.

      Elementary Statistics was reviewed as a new text book for next year. Nothing particularly exciting there, it is that time of year. Only mentioning it because Amazon recommends you also buy a bible, your choice of NIV Compact Paperback or Catholic Scripture Study. I wonder whose account it was that produced that recommendation.

      After that was a discussion on who would be willing to serve as the BoE President and/or Vice president next year. Janet offered her opinion first, which led to much laughter. If you missed the joke, we celebrated her last meeting tonight.

      Having listened to the other members present, I’m predicting Amy for President and Stephanie for Vice President. Mind you, it’s two weeks away, things could change.

      Which left discussion on the possibility of a state constitutional convention. Of no direct impact here, as the BoE as an organization has no say in the matter. But as those present are also voters in New York, and communicate in various other circles, it is something to be aware of. Apparently in November, we as New York voters get to decide if we want a constitutional convention. Some people are afraid of a ‘runaway’ convention that produces crazy changes. It was mentioned how the teachers union was against it on the idea that their retirement might go away, and gun owners were against it as their right to own guns might as well. Which strikes me as fear-mongering.

      Regardless of what the convention does, it has to go before the voters before it takes effect. We, the people, can always turn it down. It seems to me the real question is ‘are you happy with the state government in general’? And if not, do you think changing the constitution would make it better?

      And those are my Observations From Audience Land for the June 27th, 2017 meeting of the Honeoye Falls-Lima Board of Education.

As is becoming the norm for this group, Agenda’s and similar information can be found at HFL’s BoardDocs page.

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