Memorial Day Parade 2017-05-29

      Today (2017-05-29) was another Memorial Day. As happens here, there was a parade from (approximately) the high school to the cemetery. We get the horses, groups on foot (veterans, scouts, band, etc), groups in vehicles (fire, ambulance, motorcycles, etc). As this is an annual occurrence, and there were plenty of other cameras in evidence, I took no pictures of the first parade.

      One thing I personally like about this parade is how it encourages the audience to follow along. Which in turn, provides an opportunity to chat with neighbors.

      At the cemetery there was a ceremony/speech as usual. Turn out felt a little light, but still a decent sized group. They opted not to use a sound system, which I think could work. Unfortunately, the layout of the location creates lines the crowd clusters behind. Which puts the bulk of the people just a little bit too far away for the speaker. We just need someone to cross that line, bringing the bulk of the crowd closer. Other then that, good event.

      The weather was extra nice this year as well. Most years it’s rather hot for this event, this year it was pleasantly cool. Did sprinkle a bit, but didn’t really rain.

      Which brings us to the difference. Most years people disperse from the cemetery. This year, the veterans marched back to the center of the village. No fanfare, no road closing. Just marching.

      As most of the other parade vehicles were heading the same direction, this created a second parade. This time it just happened to include random cars trying to go about their business.

      Which I thought was great. If the veterans want to dress up and march down the street, good for them. If they also want to turn and watch the fire department return to it’s station, (again) good for them.

      As far as I’m concerned, they have earned the right to honor their fallen compatriots however they want. Especially today.

      As for the rest of us: we can observe and pay our respects, as best we are able.

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