Honeoye Falls-Lima Board of Education 2017-05-23

      Tonight (2017-05-23) was a meeting of the Honeoye Falls-Lima Board of Education (BoE).

      Gene (Superintendent) managed to have his Report take up the largest portion of the meeting, while he personally spoke the least. He managed this by nesting two other reports inside his own. Interesting way to organize a meeting, but it worked.

      Before those reports was the nominations for the Alumni Hall of Fame. I didn’t catch all the names, but I’m sure there will be a formal presentation to the public at some point. The one that I did catch was one I knew, Kelly Paganelli. Always interesting when someone I see in one setting makes an appearance in a completely different location.

      With that, it was on to Gene’s portion of his report. Two tidbits of which stood out to me. The first of those was the budget passed, by a considerable margin.

      The second is that graduation will be 7PM on June 25th at RIT’s
Gordon Field House. While I understand the reasons for the school outsourcing this activity, it is a shame it isn’t held within the community. Still, I hope it goes well for all involved.

      That brought us to the first presentation within a report, Counseling Services. Much of this felt like a rehash of a PBAC meeting a few months back. As such, I didn’t really see the point to the presentation. But it did lead to some good discussion in the question portion at the end.

      Part of that discussion focused on suicide and how to prevent it. Which, in light of other recent events, reminded me that those who commit suicide are the biggest ‘losers‘ in the game of life. They have turned their back on it, for whatever reason, and left the field earlier then necessary. Although, I can understand the viewpoint where death is viewed as the only way to make life ‘better’. All too sad when it happens.

      On a happier note, Family & Consumer Science presented next. A common favorite for discussion, as everyone seems to think there is so much potential value in the subject matter. Yet somehow, while still being useful, it fails to reach it’s potential. Reminds me of progress reports from my days as a student. Two bits came up that may explain why that potential isn’t reach.

      First is matching ‘similar schools’ was viewed as a good thing. If we are focused on being similar, we will be focused on mediocrity. Nothing like sticking with the pack to guarantee you won’t take the lead. If instead we focused on being great, we might be great. Or we could fail and learn from that failure. Either way, I think that would be an improvement.

      Second was discussion of the benefits of sustainability. Efficiency, reusing resources, minimizing waste: these are all good things. But life is inherently UNsustainable. We are born, we grow, we die. As we are individually, so to is our society. To sustain is to hold and never change. Or put differently, cease to grow and improve, which is to stagnate and die. Maybe not a happier note after all.

      After that presentation (and resulting discussion), Gene announced he was done with his report. Which brought a chuckle, as it had been about an hour since he handed the floor over. I think most people had forgotten it was technically still his report.

      Last item of note was Josh (Student Board Member) applauding the simulated accident last Thursday, and how well the Prom went last Saturday.

      And those are my Observations From Audience Land for the May 23th, 2017 meeting of the Honeoye Falls-Lima Board of Education.

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