Honeoye Falls-Lima Board of Education 2017-05-09

      Tonight (2017-05-09) was a meeting of the Honeoye Falls-Lima Board of Education (BoE).

      Tonight was the first night the BoE was completely using a new tool for it’s packet. Side effect of this is that the public can read most of the information the board gets before the meeting (minus any executive session information). While it’s too soon for me to form a real opinion on the details, the idea of getting the information out earlier is one I am in favor of. Nothing like having a well educated public to offer feedback during ‘public comment’ time. Mind you, I’m probably the only one that cares.

      First item tonight was the ‘Meet the Candidates’ event. Amy, Caralyn, and Larry got to introduce themselves and talk about why they are running for the Board of Education. Nice enough event, but as I already knew everyone well enough I didn’t learn much. That and it’s a ‘choose three of three’ situation. Perfect time for a write in, but I doubt that will happen.

      After that was the public hearing for the 2017-2018 School Budget. All district residents should have received a flier last week with information on the budget. If not, they can always ask the school for more information. Bottom line: ~$49 million budget, with 1.95% average tax increase. Average because each of the towns in the district has a different rate, for various reasons.

      After budget hearing it was on to the normal BoE meeting. Gary was absent, so Amy filled in for Board president. I can tell she doesn’t particularly want to do the job, but she manages well enough. Which is really all that can be asked, when needed the job gets done.

      A passionate Feeder of Robot Builders spoke out in favor of Team 2228. She wanted to both thank the Board for supporting the group in the past, and ask that they work towards finding them more space for their work in the future. Don’t know if they will get it, but there was discussion about spaces that could be re-purposed.

      Other then that wasn’t much that really struck me during the regular meeting. Graduation is coming, as it is that time of year again. Was a presentation on the Alternative High School. Somewhat informative, but didn’t excite me, for whatever reason.

      Most interesting part of the meeting was at the end when one of the Board members discussed how the state is considering a Constitutional Convention, for the purpose of adjusting the State Constitution. He mentioned some potential positives (streamlining the existing document being first of those), but also rattled off a very long list of potential negatives.

      While I would need to do research to be sure, I have to believe that the voters would have to approve the outcome of the convention. Which would act as a safety in case the delegates go mad (however you want to define ‘mad’). Absent that, it seems too risky. But I can’t image that check wouldn’t be there to balance against the risk. Either way, we’ll find out in time.

      And those are my Observations From Audience Land for the May 9th, 2017 meeting of the Honeoye Falls-Lima Board of Education.

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