Monthly Archives: May 2017

Memorial Day Parade 2017-05-29

      Today (2017-05-29) was another Memorial Day. As happens here, there was a parade from (approximately) the high school to the cemetery. We get the horses, groups on foot (veterans, scouts, band, etc), groups in vehicles (fire, ambulance, motorcycles, etc).

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Honeoye Falls-Lima Board of Education 2017-05-23

      Tonight (2017-05-23) was a meeting of the Honeoye Falls-Lima Board of Education (BoE).       Gene (Superintendent) managed to have his Report take up the largest portion of the meeting, while he personally spoke the least. He managed this by nesting two … Continue reading

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No Meeting 2017-05-22

      Tonight (2017-05-22) was the Honeoye Falls Zoning Board‘s regularly scheduled meeting night. However, they did not meet.

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Honeoye Falls-Lima Election 2017-05-16

      Today (2017-05-16) there is an Election for the Honeoye Falls-Lima School District. District residents may vote at the High School Lobby, 83 East Street between 6AM and 9PM.

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Honeoye Falls Village Board 2017-05-15

      Tonight (2017-05-15) was a meeting of the Honeoye Falls Board of Trustees.       Interesting meeting tonight, from a time usage vs agenda item point of view. The reports from departments took the bulk of the time, while the agenda items (minus … Continue reading

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Honeoye Falls-Lima Board of Education 2017-05-09

      Tonight (2017-05-09) was a meeting of the Honeoye Falls-Lima Board of Education (BoE).       Tonight was the first night the BoE was completely using a new tool for it’s packet. Side effect of this is that the public can read most … Continue reading

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Mendon Town Board 2017-05-08

      Tonight (2017-05-08) was a meeting of the Mendon Town Board.       There were a surprising number of people present. Normally it’s the handful of regulars, and the occasional extra for a particular purpose. Not tonight. Tonight there were about a dozen … Continue reading

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Honeoye Falls-Lima Election Pending 2017-05-16

      As with most years, this years school vote is in three parts. There will be a budget for next year, purchase of school buses, and three positions on the school board. The vote itself will be happening Tuesday May 16th, … Continue reading

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Honeoye Falls Planning Board 2017-05-01

      Tonight (2017-05-01) was a meeting of the Honeoye Falls Planning Board.       Relatively straightforward meeting. Three applicants, three approvals, back home in under half an hour.

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