Mendon Town Board 2017-04-10

      Tonight (2017-04-10) was a meeting of the Mendon Town Board.

      Karla Boyce was back tonight. She was a Town board member in years past, but had moved on to other things. Tonight she was back to present an award to Ron Knight for his work with the new library. In particular, his dedication in gathering the money to pay for the project.

      The town set a ‘not to exceed’ amount for helping the village with a ‘flycar’ for the Ambulance. It is interesting watching the two municipalities work on this together. Good to see that this particular item is going well.

      David Cook is the newest Zoning Board member. Fills a vacancy and brings the zoning board up to capacity. As I am a member of this zoning board, the vacancy has made a few meetings tight. We managed, but the extra person has it’s use. Welcome to the club, David.

      For the parents of students in Mendon, the town is continuing to subsidize summer rec at the school. Or babysitting, depending on how you look at it. Either way, this summers program was approved tonight. At least from the Town of Mendon’s point of view, there are other groups that still have to sign off on their portions of the program.

      A public hearing was set for a local law on solar energy. Sounds like this is solar farms, but we’ll find out when the law is available to the public. I suggested the board make the law available on the website, in addition to the notice. Just makes sense to me, everything in one place and no need to bother staff. A little more work up front, but not much once you know what you are doing. We’ll see how it goes…

      And those are my Observations From Audience Land for the April 10th, 2017 meeting of the Mendon Town Board.

Link to agenda on Town website.
Link to agenda stored on this site, should the town lose their copy.

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