No Meeting 2017-03-14

      Tonight (2017-03-14) was supposed to be a meeting of the Honeoye Falls-Lima Board of Education (BoE), and before that the Program Budget Advisory Council (PBAC). The meeting was cancelled, due to weather.

      Ironically enough, this makes two school meetings in two weeks canceled by weather. And, two meetings announced on twitter after the announcement of all activities being canceled. Last time I didn’t get a screenshot, this time I did (for whatever that is worth).

Laugh at the Board of Education meeting posted an hour after school closed and all events canceled

      For those unfamiliar with twitter, most recent news is at the top. In the screenshot above, it shows the announcement of closing as happening 9 hours ago, and the announcement of meeting 8 hours ago. Just means someone has meetings in an auto-poster of some sort.

      Not complaining, as it opened my schedule up so I could go to another event. Wait, that was canceled too. That’s ok, I’m mostly just finding humor in the auto-posting of canceled events.

      I have heard from a credible source that “we are planning to reschedule tonight’s meeting to next Tuesday, March 21”. Surprises may still occur, but odds are good there will be a meeting of the Honeoye Falls-Lima Board of Education (BoE), and before that the Program Budget Advisory Council (PBAC), next week. Perhaps I’ll see you there.

      Observation for today: It is snowing, and it is good.

SNOW Emergency

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