Mendon Town Board 2017-02-13

      Tonight (2017-02-13) was a meeting of the Mendon Town Board.

      Town tax collection time has ended. If you still owe town taxes, you’ll have to pay extra.

      There was discussion about discussion about a cell tower. Not directly talking about it, but talking about how another group talked about it. No action being taken, but looks like the possibility of another cell tower is being explored. Exact location not mentioned, but somewhere in the town. We might not like the towers, but we sure do seem to like the toys that need them.

      There is/was apparently a group seeking to get parts of Mendon declared ‘historic’, regardless of what the current property owner may want. The town board declined to go along. Which I think is good. Being able to deny future property owners options by having the current owner make it ‘historic’ is bad enough. Denying the current owner options is too far. If you (whoever ‘you’ may be) want to prevent certain activities on the property that badly, buy it yourself. Good job to the town board for taking no action on this matter.

      John (Supervisor) reported on year end budget numbers. I may have misheard it, but sounds like revenues were ~108% and expenses were ~89%. While I’m sure that doesn’t mean the town was ~19% in the black, it’s always good when we aren’t in the red. Good stewardship of other people’s assets (taxes) is commendable.

      The town approved their side of the ambulance contract with the Village. Looks like the Village will approve their side next week. This particular contract has been back and forth multiple times between the two municipalities. I think it’s good they have reached this point, but it is interesting watching the two boards interact on this topic.

      I was appointed Zoning Board of Appeals Deputy Chair. A fancy title, but so long as Bruce shows up, it really doesn’t mean anything. But it is good having backup should he not be able to make it to a meeting.

      Next week (February 18-26) would be a good time for a vacation. At least that’s what a number of other people think, as they have left Jim (Clerk) in charge for the week. I wonder if he’ll have another plaque made, like the last time this happened.

      Last month I mentioned pay rates being different for the Supervisor and the Clerk/Highway Superintendent. At the time I speculated as to why. Followed up on this and turns out I was wrong. I was told that at some point in the past a previous Supervisor took a pay cut. Since then the salary has been raised, but it hasn’t caught up with the other two positions.

      And those are my Observations From Audience Land for the February 13th, 2017 meeting of the Mendon Town Board.

Link to agenda on Town website.
Link to agenda stored on this site, should the town lose their copy.

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